The Missing Piece: Why Companies Overlook Building a Sales Network During Product Development

In the hustle and bustle of product development, it’s easy for companies to get caught up in the excitement of creating something new and innovative. However, amidst the focus on design, engineering, and manufacturing, a critical component often gets overlooked: the sales network. Without a robust sales strategy in place from the start, even the most groundbreaking products can fail to reach their potential. In this blog, we’ll explore why companies often neglect building a sales network during product development and why it’s crucial to address this oversight.

The Common Oversight

Many companies pour their resources into developing a top-notch product, investing heavily in research and development, engineering, and manufacturing. They assume that a great product will naturally sell itself. However, this assumption can be detrimental. The reality is that a product, no matter how excellent, needs a well-structured sales network to reach the market effectively.

One reason for this oversight is that the teams involved in product development are usually separate from those in sales. Engineers and designers focus on creating the product, while sales teams are brought in later to push it into the market. This siloed approach can lead to a disconnect, where the product is ready to launch, but there is no sales infrastructure to support it.

The Consequences

Neglecting the sales network during product development can have severe consequences. A product without a solid sales strategy is like a ship without a compass; it may be ready to sail, but it has no direction. Companies may find themselves struggling to get their product noticed, leading to poor market penetration and ultimately, financial losses.

Consider the case of a tech startup that developed an innovative software solution. They spent years perfecting the product, only to launch it with minimal sales support. As a result, despite its potential, the software failed to gain traction in the market. The company faced significant setbacks and had to go back to the drawing board to build a sales strategy from scratch.

Integrating Sales Early

Building a sales network in parallel with product development can prevent such scenarios. By integrating sales strategies early on, companies can ensure that their product is market-ready by the time it launches. This approach allows for a seamless transition from development to market entry, maximizing the product’s potential for success.

For instance, a consumer electronics company that recently launched a new gadget saw remarkable success because they built their sales network alongside the product development. They engaged potential distributors and retailers early, created marketing materials, and trained their sales team well before the product hit the shelves. As a result, the product experienced a smooth market entry and quickly gained popularity.

Ardent’s Role

This is where Ardent Inc. comes in. As experts in sales network building, Ardent specializes in setting effective, custom-designed sales strategies and building dynamic, result-driven sales networks. By partnering with Ardent, companies can avoid the pitfalls of neglecting their sales network and ensure a successful product launch.

Ardent works with companies to develop a comprehensive sales strategy that aligns with their product development timeline. From identifying target markets to training sales teams, Ardent provides the support needed to build a robust sales network that drives results.


In the world of product development, overlooking the sales network can be a costly mistake. By integrating sales strategies early and building a strong sales network in parallel with product development, companies can ensure their products reach their full market potential. Ardent Inc. stands ready to assist companies in achieving this goal, providing the expertise and support needed to build effective, custom-designed sales strategies. Don’t let your product fall short; partner with Ardent and pave the way for a successful market launch.